Roger is best-known for his musicals but CMM also has a wealth of psalms, hymns and spiritual songs in various ‘Collections’. Some of these pieces appeared first in a musical and some were part of earlier collections now out of print, such as The Chosen Few (1983), Ways to Praise (1991) and Precious and Honoured (1995). Other pieces have been written for special occasions, or in response to happy or tragic events, as the Spirit led. The Seasons and Reasons collection was a very fruitful collaboration between Roger and prolific writer of hymn lyrics, Bishop Timothy Dudley-Smith.
Unlike the musicals where the piano part is separate from the vocal lines, in the Collections, the melody line is incorporated into the right hand for the pianist and the arrangements are designed to be easily playable.

The Roger Jones Hymn Collection
60 well-known hymns with new tunes
‘Roger Jones’ love and respect for the great tradition of English language hymnody is eloquently expressed in this delightful collection of new tunes’ – Nigel Swinford

The Roger Jones Psalm Collection
45 settings of psalms from the Old and New Testament
‘The Psalms give us words through which to meet with God and pour out our deepest selves. Roger’s contribution is therefore a very welcome addition to the Church’s repertoire’ – John Leach

The Roger Jones Christmas Collection
43 Songs and Carols for Christmas
‘This collection will abundantly serve the insatiable appetite of the church for Christmas music’ – Chris Bowater

The Roger Jones Song Collection
59 Songs for worship and other occasions
‘Accessibility is a word you often hear associated with Roger’s music – but his songs are just as much ones of delight, joy and purpose’ – Noel Tredinnick

Seasons and Reasons
32 New Hymns for different times and occasions
‘This collection by Bishop Timothy Dudley-Smith and Roger Jones takes us into the presence of God and calls His people to worship Him in spirit and in truth’ – Martin Cavender

Songs of Christmas
16 Carols and Songs for Christmas
A wide selection of congregational carols, 2 and 3-part songs and choral anthems ‘which draw us into worship and some simple arrangements which pack a big punch’ – Chris Ellis

Torn Curtain Communion Setting
When the Church of England’s ‘Common Worship’ was published in 2000, it introduced a wealth of new Communion Liturgies with a choice of acclamations and responses for both clergy and congregation. With this ‘pick and mix’ approach, churches are free to vary what they do from week to week. In this ‘Torn Curtain’ setting, many of these acclamations and responses are set to a 4-bar chord sequence, which has the advantage of making them instinctive for the congregation and visitors, even allowing for spontaneous harmony and encouraging instrumentalists to participate.
To find out more about the Torn Curtain Communion Setting, watch the short video below.
CMM Choral Anthems
Many of our standalone anthems arranged for SATB are available to download at Sheet Music Plus. Anthems include Man of Sorrows, The Word became flesh, Broken Chains, Come see the beauty of the King and many, many more!
Visit our store on Sheet Music Plus to find and download your favourite!