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CMM Trust
Purpose Statement: To evaluate and monitor the general direction of the ministry and to co-ordinate financial support.
Cmm Trust was formerly the East Birmingham Renewal Group Trust. It was established in 1984 and the name was changed in 2016. The Finances of the trust are raised by:
-Donations from individuals through Gift Aid
-Donations from individuals (not Gift Aid)
-Donations from Churches which have conferences and seminars on worship and music ministry, led by teams from CMM
-Donations from churches which perform musicals by Roger Jones
Christian Music Ministries Trust is registered in England and Wales as a charitable trust with registration No. 516643. The trust does not employ staff or carry out business. It makes a grant to Christian Music Ministries to undertake its ministry. The Trust is currently administered by six trustees. Please click here for the CMM Trust Privacy Policy
Mick Green
Chair of Trustees
Jonathan Chapell
Tony Roberts
Gift Aid Secretary
Mike Smith
Kevin Mantle
Gill Johnson
Ministry Support Group (EBRG)

A Thursday – night house group which meets weekly to support and uphold in prayer all the varied work of Christian Music Ministries. One key aspect of this inter-denominational group is to always spend time worshipping, seeking the Lord and listening to Him through the gifts of the Holy Spirit. For Director Roger Jones and his wife Mary, EBRG is a place where members can share together and deepen their walk with God in a safe place and be accountable to one another, as well as enjoying close friendships formed over many years.
EBRG (East Birmingham Renewal Group) Chairperson and Trustee, Gill Johnson, along with Roger and Mary, was a founder member of EBRG back in the early 1980’s when Roger was first called to leave his role as music teacher and head of lower school in Aston, Birmingham, and go into full-time music ministry. At that time, all the members lived and worshipped in East Birmingham, and longed to see local churches renewed in the power of the Holy Spirit. Now, in the 2020’s, the members mostly no longer live in East Birmingham but the name continues. EBRG consists of eight people, Roger and Mary Jones, Gill and Brian Johnson, Alan and Sue Walker, Annie Routley and John Hopkins. At the beginning of each year, the group makes a weekend retreat to seek the Lord in a special way for the year to come, often with an outside speaker. Week by week, all CMM events, church retreats, music weeks, CMM Choir rehearsals and concerts, musical-in-a-day events and conferences are prayed from at EBRG. The group also waits on the Lord for words and pictures that might help and equip for the event coming up. Years of such events and seeking God have helped EBRG to develop CMM’s two main teaching resources, co-authored by Roger, Annie and Helen Pollard – Worship Works and Spirit Works.