Several of our musicals are perfect for primary and secondary schools to perform as Nativity, Easter or non-seasonal services and assemblies. Our schools package aims to make it as easy as possible for music teachers and schools to use our materials and be able to put on a performance of our musicals.
Each package will include*:
– PDF music with full piano score, guitar chords, words and drama
– PDF, Word and PowerPoint files of the song words
– MP3s of the full vocal recording and backing tracks
– Words videos for each song to help with class rehearsals
– Optional recorder parts for primary school groups to play along with the backing track
– Artwork for programmes, posters and leaflets
– A licence for unlimited performances of the musical at your school**
We also have full orchestral parts for all our musicals. If you have musicians of grade 4 standard and above we can provide parts for almost any instrument. Please contact us for further details.

Three Wise Camels
A family friendly story of the Nativity, but told from the perspective of the camels belonging to the wise men. Of course, we don’t actually know if there were only three of them. Maybe there were many camels and wise men, but only three of the camels were wise..! In any case, this is their story.
*Package may vary slightly depending on the musical
**monies received from any performance may be subject to royalties